Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 5: Parents take part in building Youth's Environment.

                        Last Friday, my group presented a video presentation, we are instructed by our professor, Ms. Anna Kagaoan to come up with a presentation about youth's advocacy these days, wherein we are free to choose as to what field of advocacy we will focus on. My group chose a topic about youth's environment when it comes to "Sexual Urgency". We gathered ideas from each member of our group and came up with a unique theme, wherein we illustrated a chat-like conversation—to make it more alive. It's more like a debate but in a friendly way. Since the main focus is about youth's advocacy, we thought that it would be more appreciated if it was directly from youth themselves.

                        We weren't able to discuss this project as a group that well, and so when I was making the video, since I was the one to make it, I revised some of the things my group-mates wrote to shorten the video. And luckily, it was close enough to meet their expectations. And here, you can view our video.

                        As what you've seen above, we focused on how sexual urgency affects in building youth's environment and how parents supervise their kids to keep them from these immoral acts.

                        And as for my own advocacy, youth these days, are very much exposed to sexual urgency. Maybe because they are also exposed to pornography which influence them to act what they've seen. Teens are in a stage where everything that they see and hear lets their curiosity to grow, that's why it's not impossible for them to just do the things their surroundings do. But we shouldn't just blame everything to them, though they know good from evil, they should still be governed well. Yes, they're not infants anymore, but still, they have their parents with them, and parents have authority to manage their kids. 

                     For, sometimes aside from curiosity, teenagers do these things to catch their parents' attention, they wanted to be noticed, cared about and feel that they're loved. And that's one thing most parents neglect. Teenagers, children, kids—shouldn't just be governed or managed, they should be loved, for they're in a stage where they're very fragile like a glass, they should be valued well and to be taken care of.

                        Sexual urgency is just one factor that shapes youth's environment but parents are big factor in building youth's environment that is also their training grounds. For teens, youth, are our future leaders, everything depends on how they were trained and how their parents shape their character, they should focus on that. Though they have their own choices, but they should be trained well to choose right choices. And that only depends on how parents lead them.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 4: Stealing Unconsciously.

Getting information is not a crime, but copying the whole information to make it as your own is and can be called "stealing" or "PLAGIARISM".

                        People nowadays are all subject to a crime called, "plagiarism". Yes, it is a crime, we may not be aware but by merely copying one's work is already considered a crime. First and foremost, what is plagiarism? Plagiarism is "the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of themes one's own original work, as by not crediting the author"—as said in dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/plagiarism). Just like, for instance, I quoted the definition of plagiarism itself, and I didn't give credit to the author or by merely mentioning my reference, that can already be called plagiarism and that is considered a crime already—but I did, so I'm safe! :)
                        "Why is it so important to produce anything on your own?" Most of the students have this in mind. Even I thought of this before I knew how profitable originality is. Students usually think that they're not intelligent enough to produce their own composition, but being intelligent is not a requirement to compose anything, by doing it over and over again you unconsciously become used to it and able enough to compose anything confidently. Everything that's originally yours is something to be proud of, unlike when you copy and use it as your own. You're just degrading and keeping yourself to improve more.
                        There's always room for improvement—which is the primary effect of plagiarism to people nowadays. No one improves from just copying someone's work, for his/her skills and knowledge is not working. There's nothing wrong about making mistakes, just as long as you know to yourself that you did your best. For mistakes contribute to one's improvement. By committing a mistake, you learn from it, you know what to avoid and what to do for the next time. Instead of copying from others, just get the idea or be inspired, then create your own composition, record your own thoughts or opinions and that will be the best. It doesn't have to be perfect instantly, you can always practice and improve yourself little by little, and then you'll notice that it's better to present something that is originally yours.
It may be easier to just copy & paste other's worktime-saving, less effort, and absolutely perfect outcomethan to create  on your own and be embarrassed by your errors, but it's better to produce what's originally yours out of your efforts than to produce someone else's work and to realize that you are STEALING UNCONSCIOUSLY.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 3: To do or not to do?

"Should I study now or....fine, I'll just nap first then I'll study later."

                        This line is commonly heard or rather usually heard from students during weekends especially "LONG WEEKEND". Probably because students rarely had their rest from stress, studies and all, so if there would be a free time, they'll just grab the opportunity and rest—causing them to neglect their study habits—instead of making their time useful for projects and such, which is not a very good thing to do. Study habits is essential especially to students, it's their foundation to have good grades, be learned or even skilled. And that's why students should always have time to study or have space for study habits. 
                        Well, as a student, I myself, am unfortunately subject to that—neglecting study habits—though I'm striving so hard to fight it, for based on my experience, it's truly hard to eliminate study habits in student's life. And yet, I admit that weekends—long weekends—are my refuges from school stress, and studying is barely in my schedule during those days, well, who doesn't? But of course, I know that it is just unreasonable to do so. We may found it—studying—boring but if we will just look at the bright side, think optimistically, we will somehow enjoy doing it. Perhaps have an advance review for the upcoming examination instead of cramming on the day before it.
                        But, of course, not everyone is as sluggish as I am, there are what they call, "studious people", who are very into studying that they really find pleasure in studying. That's exactly what I wanted to be, or for every student in this world to be. What is more successful than having this kind of students, right? And we can tell that they really make use of their time wisely and profit from it. Absolutely no doubt that their weekends are still full loaded. That's not a bad thing, is it? As long as it's for a good cause.
                        Reality based, long weekend actually has two effects on student's life: a positive and a negative one. Positive effect, that it gives students more time to practice their study habits and widen their knowledge. Negative effect, some students prefer to relax instead of having an advance review or by just merely finishing their tasks, projects and all—that they become too carried-away as to how would they finish their tasks on time. Long weekends are, of course, a pleasure for everyone. It just depends on how we'll manage it. But as students, we should never eliminate studying in our schedules. If we may end up on asking "to do this or not to do?" We should remember:

There may be more time for it later but there's no better time than now.