Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Arising Family. Arising MMA!

                         Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts is a new course here in Lyceum of the Philippines University - Laguna, last two years . Only  few know it for only few are enrolled in this course. This course covers web designing, animation, video editing, photo editing, photography, and many more multimedia-related activities. Many said that this course is a stupid program to be engaged to, for anyone who's not enrolled can do the things which those that are enrolled can do, but I say or we say, "NO, OF COURSE NOT!" Because, they might know and do the things we know, but they cannot professionally profit from it 'cause they are not entitled to it or they don't have their degree. They might have a chance but if we compete with them in terms of winning the job, we would definitely be hired because of the degree, experiences and knowledge that we have. We are not to boast about it, but we just want the world to know that we know what we are doing and we're happy with it.

                         Especially now that we are not few anymore, we are growing in numbers and it strengthens us more. Growing in numbers and having more family members only means having more and brighter ideas. These new MMAs would bring lots and lots of new ideas and talents that would be shared to us, and that's a blessing 'cause together, we will use that talent and soar high.

I'll show you how MMA grew. These are the pioneer MMAs, class 2010-2014:

pretty ates & cute bros! :D

And this is when we stepped into the picture. Class 2010-2014 with Class 2011-2015:

hmmm, still few huh? :(

And now, freshmen came into the picture and made our faces appear very small in the camera because of our huge number! :) 1st to 3rd year MMA!!

now, where am I?!! haha

                         Well, we're still few compared to other courses but compared to what we used to be, we're really getting bigger and bigger! We're really blessed to have more members in the family to share our knowledge and talents. To have little brothers and sisters. To be the ones that they can confide in and ask for help about the problems we've already been through and how we're able to solve it. To teach them what we've learned. To let them know our mistakes and help avoid them as they take the same journey we had. This is not an easy race and will get harder, if we'll only stick together and solve problems together, it'll somehow lighten things up. We may still be few now, but as time pass, we'll become bigger and will soar high! :) AJA MMA!! :D

Monday, July 23, 2012

Philippine Multimedia Industry in a Race

Can you still remember the last time you waited for hours or even more, days just to get a copy of a newspaper? The last time you watched in a black and white T.V.? Used a film to capture moments and print the negatives? Well, negatives might still be handy nowadays, but it is seldom used. Because nowadays, everything is digital and all the advertisements that we see used high technologies.

And there would not be these amazing products, commercials, and advertisements if a multimedia industry wouldn't exist. Back then, Multimedia Industries especially here in the Philippines are in any ways, neglected. Filipinos would still cling to their culture and nature but as time passes, Filipinos were influenced and now are somehow catching up in the rapid progression of multimedia products, in general. 

I want to focus on Multimedia when it comes to television programs and Multimedia Companies or the so-called networks are the ones in-charge and we can very well see their progress right from the start. Their network even expands to the whole country and some to other countries. For instance, GMA Network, no offense to its rival, but this network is growing bigger and bigger and even one of their programs has its own branch in other country, in other words, Multimedia Industries cannot be stopped. Lots of ideas fall on them that new and improved things come to pass. Multimedia Industries here in the Philippines, in my opinion is not far behind, we are catching up and lining with the others. Opportunities for us, aspiring practitioners, can't be handled with bare hands! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Self-Transformation

Transformation. It doesn't automatically mean to transform like the Transformers, or any other monsters, cartoons, animes that transform. It can also substitute the word "change". Over the past school year, I've seen a lot of changes in me, inside and obviously outside! Let me start with the outer side of myself! :D  We are all subject to change, especially physical  change. Who would dare be like unto a little child though he's already a grown-up? We can't perform certain things when we're little, right? That's why most kids want to grow up instantly so they could do things on their own, but that thought was proven to be wrong. Life is far more complicated when we grow up, small problems transform into super big problems! So, adults would rather stay as a little child.

But here in the GIF photos I made above, I didn't include my childhood days, yet you can see the changes that had happened to me physically from fourth year high school up to present. Well, yes I can say things were tough during high school days, but things became tougher now that I'm in college. When I'm in high school, the only major problem I worried about is the possibility of graduating, including final projects and examinations, other than that there's nothing else to worry about. But in college, even a tiny assignment is something to worry about let alone projects and examinations! These are stuffs that a college student wouldn't dare to belittle. Yes, I transformed physically, mentally and emotionally, so as my problems transformed itself.

And problem is already included in my inner side. My inner side that I want to include are those that are in the photos to the right that I compiled. These are assignments and projects I made from first year, first semester in college up to present. I didn't include my high school projects for they're mostly videos and they're nothing to be proud of, ha ha. And that's one big thing that transformed within me. My interests. As I said, during high school days, most of my works are videos 'cause I'm more interested in editing videos rather than editing photos. And when I stepped into college, and met our awesome professors my interest suddenly shifted to photo-editing. Maybe because Photoshop was introduced to me, and I love it! But now that I'm in my second year of college, my interest shifted to photography. Every little thing is indeed transforming, and we can never stop that. Every little thing in me changed or let's say, transformed, and even I can't stop it. And most of the time, I can hardly notice it. But that's life. Nothing is permanent. Change is essential and part of our everyday lives.   What matters most is the way we react about it, the way we treat changes in our lives, and how we can find good things in it. Let's embrace changes and live with it. Oh, and they say change, I say, self-transformation.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Change for Good to be the Best

Changes. Adjustments. Conversions. Developments. Evolution. Shifting. Transitions. Such words might be bare but bear great definitions. Definitions that one can't easily comprehend but is essential in our lives. We may think that if we're happy and contented to what we are now, everything should just stop and stay as is, but we are all subject to change, which is a very impossible thing to stop. Like for instance, the programs we use, different versions emerge just as immediately, it's even hard to catch up with them. 

One example of those programs/software is this Adobe Bridge. It's a file manager that has different features and options that you can use. It's very useful in organizing and keeping files securely. Of course, when you're used to windows explorer, you'll be alienated here in Adobe Bridge. Everything is different, there are so many options, tools to use and if you won't familiarize yourself from them, well, good luck managing your files. At first, I found this very complicated and just a waste of time. But when our discussion about this grows deeper, my understanding widens and it made me interested and thrilled to use Adobe Bridge. I learned a lot from my classmates about this and it's really cool and fun to use. It's very useful especially to photographers, photo editors, and video editors for its specialist in organizing, labeling and rating of files. It's also easier to preview files using Bridge 'cause it can preview videos and Adobe file formats. It'll be easier to determine your files.

Adjusting is really hard but we badly need it to catch up to the raging modern world. We need changes as much as how hard it may be. Transitions are part of our lives that open doors to new opportunities. Knowing such software gives us the power to manage our files wisely and securely. Aside from its wonderful features, it's a time-saving software, because it's easier to search for files and filtering them using keywords and collections. There are so many advantages in using Bridge and let's maximize its use. It may be a very big change but it's a change for good to be the best! 
