Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Blog #1: An Unintentional Artwork

                       As what I've understand in Group 1's report, Ancient Art basically centered in realistic or naturalistic approach to style. They depict what their human eye can see in the natural world. They never distort, change or exaggerate the things that they can see around them. They used people as their model and they  just used whatever there is around them as their medium. They didn't make their art extravagant, for they didn't have anything back then except for stones, woods, and metals. Their art is, yes, SIMPLE!

                       And that is one thing that captured my attention in Ancient Art. Because they made those cave paintings, sculptures and etc, not to impress or to show how artistic they are, but they made those for us, the modern generation or the succeeding generation, to know what kind of lifestyle they had back then. For the succeeding generation to know and follow what they used to do and observed, so that the next generation would know what to do—their rituals and daily routines—and not to be lost. For documentation and such. They didn't make it very artistically, but for as long as one can understand and interpret it for himself, that would do. And for them, it is something they need to do, not just what they want. For everything has its own purpose.

                     That's what I want to inherit from them. To do my own artwork with a purpose. Just like them, they just made those carvings unaware that we look at it as an art while they look at it as a record of their activities or as a documentation. We should also think that way, to just be natural, express ourselves in a realistic way, be ourselves and let the viewers to interpret and to judge how artistic we are while we just expressed our real selves. Have a purpose in every action or artwork we do. By this, it'll be easier to create an artwork really shows who you are and it'll be easy to be artistic if you're not just acting.Being natural shows how artistic a person is, though for you it has a purpose not knowing that you had just made an unintentional artwork.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 7: People who can make me jump for joy!

                        Last week, our professor, Ms Anna Kagaoan, assigned as to make a photo-montage of our life—series of photos   creating one whole picture. These photos should include those that mean something to us, and that these should symbolize our life.

                        Using Adobe Photoshop CS5, I came up with this photo-montage: (sorry for the quality, I'm still in the "learning process" of photo-editing J)

These are the people who can make me jump for joy!

                        Who are these people? Okay, let me elaborate who and why I placed them to their placements. First and foremost, is the photo covering my upper body, the one closest to my heart and obviously the largest photo there is: my family. Of course, they are the closest to my heart for they are the ones who I grew up with, who helped shape me to what I am today, who know everything about me, the entire me and who love me unconditionally. Since, I have a very big family, you can barely see their faces there, sorry for that.J

                        Second, are the photos/people that surround me. They are my friends and few of my sisters that took a big part in shaping my personality. And I can say that they know almost everything about me. Third, are the people below me. You might think that they could be the one that I look down on, OF COURSE NOT! They are my friends who are always there to catch me if I fall. The ones who I can lean and count on.  And also the ones who never fail to make my day. They are my friends from high school up to my first year in college, since trials are more serious when you reach high school, aren't it? And I'm very grateful to each one of them!J

                        Last, and absolutely not the least, are those photos above my head or in line with my head. These are they who I look up to. On my right are my parents, who brought me here. Even though I haven't personally known my father, since he passed away when I was just 2 years old, based on the stories told of my mother and siblings, I know that my father is a great man and I admire him for that. As well as my mother, who worked hard just for us, her family, to live when my father left us. Since then, she took the place of my father and stood as mother and father for us, we often call her "the SUPER MOM!" She's a very strong woman, which I want to inherit, especially when hard times come. 

                        On my left is our Savior and RedeemerLord Jesus Christ. The One who made my life here on Earth possible and who always protect and help me. —Of course, who wouldn't look up to him? He's perfect, and even though we can't be perfect, we can still walk on his footsteps and try our best to be good at all times. And I'm very grateful to him.

                        The photo placed directly above my head is a picture of a Heart shape which symbolizes Love. I placed it there, because this is how I feel whenever I jump—for joy—and these people are the ones who can only make me jump and feel LOVED.J

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 6: Breaking Myself Away

                        Last week, we're tasked to make a music video individually, which should only contain nothing but sound and images. And the sound to be used should be the soundtrack of our life—as to how we'll express our life through song. 

                        Of course, the hardest part of it was to choose what music best suits my life. There are so many beautiful and meaningful songs as choices, and it's really hard to choose from them. One of the things I consider in choosing a song is the beat, I don't want to use a mellow kind of music that you'll get bored if you listen to, I want to consider a slightly up-beat music. And there's one that met my requirements, had been my favorite song since then and the most that suits my life—the song "Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson".
Here's my video, enjoy watching! :DD

                        You might be thinking that from the very star of the video, I already violated my professor's instruction since the video should only contain sound and images. But the text shewn there is not really in a text format, for it is an image having texts on it, so I think I haven't violated anything so far, have I? I wish I haven't! :D 

                        My sister and I covered Kelly Clarkson's song, so that at least I can tell that the song was mine, though I just borrowed it from her. Credits for her for that. Also, to express my talent. I just skipped the bridge part and finished the song to limit and shorten the video.

                        I love everything about this song and can express everything through this. It says in the lyrics,  "trying hard to reach out, but when I'd try to speak out, felt like no one could hear me...", if you know me by person, you might be wondering why I'm feeling this 'cause I'm an outgoing person and it's not natural for my speech to be ignored, but believe it or not, there are times that I feel I'm ignore and that I'm not heard, and I want to escape from this feeling. It also says there, "wanted to belong here, but something felt so wrong here, so I'd pray." I've always wanted to belong wherever I go, and who doesn't? But if something went wrong, I would just seek help people, or even to our Savior and pray.

                        There comes the word, "Breakaway". Well, I want to breakaway. Why? For I want to, still, learn from things, from people I know, I don't want to be stagnant for the knowledge I have presently. It says in the song, "I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes til I touch the sky...", everyday, we learn from different things and people we interact with and that's what I want to do. I want to learn how to fly and do what it takes to reach my goal.

                        And in doing so, I need to, "take a risk, take a chance, make a change...", if I'll just sit and seek help from different people, doing nothing, there's also nothing I'll achieve. I have to work, take every risks and chances I'd have, and make a change from it. Every achievement comes from different trials and challenges, without them, that can't be called achievement.

                        But of course, without the help of the ones that I loved, I wouldn't accomplish anything. I owe everything to them and very thankful for their presence. That's why I included their photos there—my friends and my family. They help me a lot and inspire me the most. Everything I do is dedicated to them, and I'll never forget them. 

                        "I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, though it's not easy to tell you goodbye...". yes it's not easy, in fact it's really hard to say goodbye to anyone who meant everything to you, and made difference in your life, but we can't avoid to say goodbye and move on to the next level, stage that we'll go. But of course, we choose not to say goodbye to them, instead, walk with them and go on with life, achieve things together, and breakaway. Breakaway into a better person, and don't look back to your mistakes.



Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window

Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray

Trying hard to reach out
But when I'd try to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me

Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray
I could breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes ?til I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway

Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean

Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away
And breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway

Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 5: Parents take part in building Youth's Environment.

                        Last Friday, my group presented a video presentation, we are instructed by our professor, Ms. Anna Kagaoan to come up with a presentation about youth's advocacy these days, wherein we are free to choose as to what field of advocacy we will focus on. My group chose a topic about youth's environment when it comes to "Sexual Urgency". We gathered ideas from each member of our group and came up with a unique theme, wherein we illustrated a chat-like conversation—to make it more alive. It's more like a debate but in a friendly way. Since the main focus is about youth's advocacy, we thought that it would be more appreciated if it was directly from youth themselves.

                        We weren't able to discuss this project as a group that well, and so when I was making the video, since I was the one to make it, I revised some of the things my group-mates wrote to shorten the video. And luckily, it was close enough to meet their expectations. And here, you can view our video.

                        As what you've seen above, we focused on how sexual urgency affects in building youth's environment and how parents supervise their kids to keep them from these immoral acts.

                        And as for my own advocacy, youth these days, are very much exposed to sexual urgency. Maybe because they are also exposed to pornography which influence them to act what they've seen. Teens are in a stage where everything that they see and hear lets their curiosity to grow, that's why it's not impossible for them to just do the things their surroundings do. But we shouldn't just blame everything to them, though they know good from evil, they should still be governed well. Yes, they're not infants anymore, but still, they have their parents with them, and parents have authority to manage their kids. 

                     For, sometimes aside from curiosity, teenagers do these things to catch their parents' attention, they wanted to be noticed, cared about and feel that they're loved. And that's one thing most parents neglect. Teenagers, children, kids—shouldn't just be governed or managed, they should be loved, for they're in a stage where they're very fragile like a glass, they should be valued well and to be taken care of.

                        Sexual urgency is just one factor that shapes youth's environment but parents are big factor in building youth's environment that is also their training grounds. For teens, youth, are our future leaders, everything depends on how they were trained and how their parents shape their character, they should focus on that. Though they have their own choices, but they should be trained well to choose right choices. And that only depends on how parents lead them.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 4: Stealing Unconsciously.

Getting information is not a crime, but copying the whole information to make it as your own is and can be called "stealing" or "PLAGIARISM".

                        People nowadays are all subject to a crime called, "plagiarism". Yes, it is a crime, we may not be aware but by merely copying one's work is already considered a crime. First and foremost, what is plagiarism? Plagiarism is "the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of themes one's own original work, as by not crediting the author"—as said in dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/plagiarism). Just like, for instance, I quoted the definition of plagiarism itself, and I didn't give credit to the author or by merely mentioning my reference, that can already be called plagiarism and that is considered a crime already—but I did, so I'm safe! :)
                        "Why is it so important to produce anything on your own?" Most of the students have this in mind. Even I thought of this before I knew how profitable originality is. Students usually think that they're not intelligent enough to produce their own composition, but being intelligent is not a requirement to compose anything, by doing it over and over again you unconsciously become used to it and able enough to compose anything confidently. Everything that's originally yours is something to be proud of, unlike when you copy and use it as your own. You're just degrading and keeping yourself to improve more.
                        There's always room for improvement—which is the primary effect of plagiarism to people nowadays. No one improves from just copying someone's work, for his/her skills and knowledge is not working. There's nothing wrong about making mistakes, just as long as you know to yourself that you did your best. For mistakes contribute to one's improvement. By committing a mistake, you learn from it, you know what to avoid and what to do for the next time. Instead of copying from others, just get the idea or be inspired, then create your own composition, record your own thoughts or opinions and that will be the best. It doesn't have to be perfect instantly, you can always practice and improve yourself little by little, and then you'll notice that it's better to present something that is originally yours.
It may be easier to just copy & paste other's worktime-saving, less effort, and absolutely perfect outcomethan to create  on your own and be embarrassed by your errors, but it's better to produce what's originally yours out of your efforts than to produce someone else's work and to realize that you are STEALING UNCONSCIOUSLY.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 3: To do or not to do?

"Should I study now or....fine, I'll just nap first then I'll study later."

                        This line is commonly heard or rather usually heard from students during weekends especially "LONG WEEKEND". Probably because students rarely had their rest from stress, studies and all, so if there would be a free time, they'll just grab the opportunity and rest—causing them to neglect their study habits—instead of making their time useful for projects and such, which is not a very good thing to do. Study habits is essential especially to students, it's their foundation to have good grades, be learned or even skilled. And that's why students should always have time to study or have space for study habits. 
                        Well, as a student, I myself, am unfortunately subject to that—neglecting study habits—though I'm striving so hard to fight it, for based on my experience, it's truly hard to eliminate study habits in student's life. And yet, I admit that weekends—long weekends—are my refuges from school stress, and studying is barely in my schedule during those days, well, who doesn't? But of course, I know that it is just unreasonable to do so. We may found it—studying—boring but if we will just look at the bright side, think optimistically, we will somehow enjoy doing it. Perhaps have an advance review for the upcoming examination instead of cramming on the day before it.
                        But, of course, not everyone is as sluggish as I am, there are what they call, "studious people", who are very into studying that they really find pleasure in studying. That's exactly what I wanted to be, or for every student in this world to be. What is more successful than having this kind of students, right? And we can tell that they really make use of their time wisely and profit from it. Absolutely no doubt that their weekends are still full loaded. That's not a bad thing, is it? As long as it's for a good cause.
                        Reality based, long weekend actually has two effects on student's life: a positive and a negative one. Positive effect, that it gives students more time to practice their study habits and widen their knowledge. Negative effect, some students prefer to relax instead of having an advance review or by just merely finishing their tasks, projects and all—that they become too carried-away as to how would they finish their tasks on time. Long weekends are, of course, a pleasure for everyone. It just depends on how we'll manage it. But as students, we should never eliminate studying in our schedules. If we may end up on asking "to do this or not to do?" We should remember:

There may be more time for it later but there's no better time than now.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 2: "Buwan ng Wika" at Lyceum for the first time—sleepless nights!

                        Since it's my first year at Lyceum, it's also my or rather our first time to celebrate "buwan ng wika", together with the upper-class men, here at Lyceum. And I can say that it's a SUCCESS!! 'Cause though we haven't won anything, most of the winners are from the College of Arts & Sciences—our department—and that's a victory for all of us!
                        MMA 1-1's contribution is to put-up a booth—booth exhibit—wherein we should provide a compilation of Award-Winning Filipino produced movies—back from the very first Filipino produced movie. AB Communication students provided the video presentation and we, MMA students arranged and decorated the booth. We did all that we can to beautify the booth and make it presentable and attractive enough for the viewers. But unfortunately and as usually, there are always bad comments—negative ones—that were heard from the viewers, but I just thought that it's part of being an artist, we just have to accept and improve more. But on the contrary, there are still compliments, praises that were given by some of the viewers, mostly Ate's and Kuya's, hahaha, and a very heart-warming tap on the back. :) All-in-all, it's a great experience to reminisce someday. Though we haven't won the title for the best booth. :(
                        Other than the booth exhibit, we also participated on the Folk Dance Competition. Wherein we performed the Folk Dance: "La Jota Moncadeña" that was originated from Cavite, Laguna. We dressed like vintage people with Castanettes as props, and enjoyed the dance. Despite the projects, home works and lack of skills that we come across while practicing for the dance, I'm proud to say that we did well. Considering the fact that we're not dancers or professional ones to learn and eventually perform a very complicated dance routine—especially folk dance—we did our best to show everybody what we have, and enjoyed the dance. We may not be the winner but for us, even before the competition start, we already won. The experiences, bonding-time, skills that are newly learned, friends that became closer are the prizes we received.  And actually, that's the greatest gift we've ever had and longed to have!
                        Luckily, I've enjoyed the program that was held on last friday, 26th of August 2011, though I'm like a Zombie for having just an hour sleep. We laughed, clapped and congratulated the winners—which almost all, are from the CAS Dept.—that made us proud to be in this department (Ha Ha!). Of course, we enjoyed the "Lakan and Lakambini 2011" as well, the candidates are all entertaining, honestly, they kept me awake during the program—thanks to them! It was a great competition!
                       Generally, the program is a SUCCESS!(for the second time though) Everyone enjoyed it, gained a lot from it, though not everyone gained a material prize, but we know in ourselves that we gained more than what we expected. We learned so much things and will grow from our downfalls. It's not always about winning a prize, it's all about learning, progressing and growing. Aiming for a better prize, not just material prize, but a long-lasting one.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 1: I survived the first half!—at least I think I do—another half to go!! :)

                        College, college, college. That is rather the creepiest or the most nerve-wracking word for me back when I was in High School. I was really terrified to step into College before, I fear the new environment, lessons to learn, professors to encounter and all the projects, theses and examinations to bear. Imagine, I was already in my fourth year of High School, and I haven't decided of anything to pursue in college yet. I was scared, afraid, rather unprepared to face it that time.But when I entered college, well, half of my expectations are right, but that's just HALF, not all! 
                        Half, because, yes I'm really experiencing stressful activities, projects, exams here in college but well, that's life! That's college! You couldn't say that you've survived college without encountering those challenges that shaped you. Colleges in different universities are all difficult to face, and we just have to bear with it. But, of course, college is not just facing difficult, nerve-wracking and head-over-heels challenges, FUN is also a part of it. And that's the other half that made my expectations fail. 
                        For me FUN is :
                            F -FANTASTIC FRIENDS 
                            U -UNEXPECTED & FREAKY TASKS
                            N -NEVER-ENDING LAUGHTER :))

                        Yes, "fantastic friends" is the first on my list, they helped me enjoy and endure college—though still enduring. Of course, we need to study hard, but we shouldn't push ourselves too hard on studying, we  should also unwind a little bit, NOT A LOT! And "friends" is a perfect tool to relax a bit. And in my case, that's not a problem, in fact, my college was welcomed by friends, FANTASTIC FRIENDS! 
Like them:

                        U, as in UNEXPECTED & FREAKY TASKS, including projects, quizzes, home works, etc. Why-oh-why is this included? Of course, fun is not just enjoyment, laughter, and "happy-go-lucky" attitudes, in college, we also find doing tasks fun, because as we share ideas with our fellow classmates, our knowledge about things widen and of course sometimes, sharing ideas comes with great humor, that's why, it's really enjoyable! This also includes the unexpected outings, at SM Calamba perhaps? Ha ha, though we find it—going there—boring already.  
                        N, for NEVER-ENDING LAUGHTER. Being a college student, not necessarily a Lycean, tasks are all nerve-wracking, and our only solution to better face them is to laugh it all out. Having MMA students as classmates, finding ways to laugh is not a problem, just being with them will make you laugh til you hate it. But of course, we place our laughter to its proper place. It's good to have fun and enjoy things, but as students, we should always limit things. Laughing is part of having fun, but at times that we need to be serious, we should consider it!

                        In my first half in college and in being a Lycean was not that easy, I can already say that I've been through thin and think this early, but I'm grateful for having these challenges, for it strengthens me, and little by little shapes me into a better person. All in all, first half of my college life in one word is SUCCESS! Because I'm still alive, ha ha, or rather catching up. And i know that as time pass things will get even harder for us, students, but I'm sure we can make it! Keep our hopes up!! 


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thoughts on New Media.

                        Based on the previous discussions about new media, there's this particular topic or portion that caught my attention, it is the "Thoughts on New Media", wherein there stated thoughts of children or mostly children of what they think new media is all about, or how much is their knowledge about it, and you will see broad and simple answers that literally answer the question: "What do you think New Media is?" And that truly surprised me, because with even so little, their minds are already opened about new media, and it's not new to them anymore.

Here are some of the thoughts that caught my attention:
  • The process through which we receive our information is not only faster, but completely different and interactive.
  • Monique
  • Given media consumers an interactive relationship, allowing them to instantly access content anywhere, at any given time – Taylor
  • Those institutions and innovations that will continue to evolve and help us make some sense of what would otherwise be overwhelming – TC
  • I know it when I see it – William
  • better technology – Ryan 
                         If I were to ask about new media, according to my own understanding, I would say: New Media, basically gives us two things. It's either an advantage or disadvantage, and for me, it's both. Advantage to do things instantly, communicate with othersespecially loved oneseasily and do many things within reach, and that's a mere advantage for us. And disadvantage, for being so reliant or dependent to new media that we do not excel anymore when it comes to interacting with others personally, for instance, job interviews are all done personally, not electronically, so if we rely so much in new media, we will be left dumb to interact with others personally and we'll have a hard time to find a job, and that's not a good thing, but I think time will come that electronic interviews will come to pass and that frightens me.
                         We read from children, and they seem so knowledgeable about new media. And it rather  impress or scares me. Of course it impressed me, they're young and yet they know so much that even I just knew for not that long or just recently. I envy them in a way that they're experienced already but I pity them as well, for they didn't have a chance to experience difficulty or they don't work hard for things anymore nowadays, and if a person learned in a hard way, that made him an excellent one, and if not, he may be learned or skilled but cannot be called excellent.
                         However, we can't truly escape new media, in our generation, it's already a part of our daily lives and we just have to deal with it WISELY. We are now living in a world of technologies and we may never escape it but the only way to survive it is to use it wisely, do not abuse modern technology, it doesn't matter if we are good or not pertaining new media, but as long as we can live with it, be with it, it's okay, we shouldn't just focus on them we should also focus on our natural talents and skills, it may look old or primitive, but still, it's more appropriate and makes one truly excellent and skilled.


New Media.ppt from Ms. Anna Kagaoan's discussion
unfortunately, cannot be attached to this blog.
Thank you for your understanding.:)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Which way: Good or Best?

Mediocrity as Good
Excellence as Best.

                        Mediocrity, moderate ability or value; ordinaryfrom Miriam-Webster Dictionary.
Nowadays, most young people, or teens themselves, choose to be mediocre people, or in other words, ordinary or moderate. Even some of the adults nowadays, prefer to perform tasks that limits their ability, or let's say, "low quality" products. They don't extend their ability to do things more than they can do, even if they can. Well, we, modern people, prefer the instants, the most fast and accessible way to do things, we thought, "Why make it complicated, if we can make it the faster and easier way and yet still bearable or good?" But not good enough. For me, that's mediocrity, limiting things just to satisfy yourself for something that you can still extend, or be good at. To be satisfied for the good-enough-things but not the excellent things.

                        Excellence, or Excellent, superior; very good of its kind; eminently good— Miriam-Webster Dictionary.
Being excellent in all things makes life easier, I think. Why? For if you do things with great effort and concrete attention, you won't have a hard time facing difficult challenges for you've prepared for it or in a way that you've already been through those experiences, that facing another one would just be a piece of cake for you. And that's an advantage. Because, like in a war, if you have your guns and bullets and protective gears, you'd be ready to face your opponent, but if you will participate in a war without those self-protector, you'll fail to perform your duties as a soldier, and even protect your own self from danger, and that's the least thing we all want to happen.

                        If you will see this sign as you pass down the road, you might think, "wait, which way should I go?" If you were Alice in the movie, Alice in Wonderland, you might immediately look for Cheshire Cat for an answer. But if you were to ask me, I will just explain to you the things I said above, and ask, "Where do you want to go?and what way would you prefer to choose: good or best?" If you don't know where to go, you don't know what you like, and you just want to "go with the flow", then take the good way, and just settle for less. But if you want to attain a successful life with a successful career, then, only through the best way you shall obtain it.

                        Sometimes, we people, don't aim for the best things, good is enough. But only by best things we can attain best things, not just good things pretending to be best. For instance, oftentimes, we compare our works to others' but can't figure out how on Earth can they do such marvelous works and we cannot? The thing is, we can all do marvelous works, we just don't aim for it and do everything, not just what we can, but more than what we can do in order to accomplish a great work. If you put forth your focus and utmost attention to something you want to attain, you will and at the very best that you can be.

                        Don't limit ourselves(addressing to myself, as well) too much to the things that we can do. Let's focus on doing things more than what is required or ordinary. Aim for the better prize not just for the consolation, be the best that we can all be and nothing can prevail against us from doing anything according to our will as long as it is of good intentions and for the benefit of everyone, not just us, alone.

Which way? For me,CHOOSE THE RIGHT!
 the BEST!!!
and be THE BEST!! :) 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Future of Communication -- Reaction

                         Last Friday, 22nd July 2011, we watched a video presentation, about the future of communication, which was narrated by Philip K. Dick Avatar.
                          At first, I was destructed by the oh-so-awesome graphics this video has, but when I finally shifted my focus on the message it relays, I was amazed and somewhat terrified. Why? Amazed, maybe because, everything the narrator said was all possible. He illustrated the past communication or the communication from before and as to how it changed little by little that well, and the future he envisioned was not far from how communication really changed from time to time. It was truly awesome, in a way that the author didn't just make this video by his own mental thinking, but he based it through the evolution of communication, that made it more believable and possible.

                         Terrified. Why? Well, primitive people—past generations made it, or managed to live without these modern technologies, and they were successful, they were also happy, and progressed that much. So, why can't we? Yes, these technologies are for our own benefit, but I'm afraid that if this future that the author envisions pursue, the divine qualities or skills we, humans, possess might vanish, how? For everything is instant, for a blink of an eye, you can already have this and that, you can already talk to someone regardless of his whereabouts, so-and-so. That's good, but how about our self-esteem, self-confidence, yes, it takes courage to even just talk on the phone or cam-to-cam, but our skill to talk directly—face-to-face to one another—how will that progress? We will all be covered up with technologies and that movie "Wall-E" from Disney  Pixar Animation Studios won't be far from happening, wherein all the humans are kept in a huge space ship that everything was being controlled by robots, and all of them can't even walk anymore, there's nothing they can do but to eat and sleep, for everything they need was provided by the robots and they just have to press and click whatever they want to do, and they'll have it, no progress at all. 

I don't want that to happen to us, I want for us to progress, learn more, there's so much to learn, let's not limit ourselves to the knowledge we still need to know. We might be alive but we are not living if that would be the case. The vision of the author is great, but I hope that if that pursue, it will not be the cause of human's dumbness to lots of things. The modern change is good and I have nothing against it, but there should always be limitations, we should still exert efforts or rather deserve everything we could have in this world and everything will be alright.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Which video is the best?

                          Generally, everyone's AVP's are all good, for everyone, including my group, exerted that much effort for this first major exam, and we all saw it through our AVP's and everyone proved that they belong to MMA! And I'm very much grateful to witness them all.

                          For example, Louina's group made a very entertaining or rather "cute" video presentation, ha ha, I, personally, saw their effort in doing that presentation, plus, the cute drawings they made, it's truly fascinating! And the work of Ate Janelli's group is also great. The comparison they made between evolution of communication and the creation of the Earth, well, that's very creative for me, and they really did a great job! Sasam's group exerted that much effort also, for having the most complete information, I think, though, it's not that entertaining, but for researching purposes, it will really help. About our group, well, judge it, ha ha, I don't want to brag about it, for there's nothing to brag (ha ha), but I'm happy for what we did, and for the fun we had in doing that video. Watch it, and no doubt, you'll laugh! That's all. And the last but obviously not the least! Kuya Andrew's group, well, all I can say is "JOB WELL DONE" to them! Aside from being creative and artistic, their facts about evolution are all reliable and they're really good! See, everyone's work are all good! No doubt.

                          But, if I would be the one to choose, I'll choose kuya Andrew's group, group 5 (no hard feelings), why? Well, aside from the things I said above, not just because it's Kuya Andrew's group and we all know that he's professional when it comes to video presentations, but also because they portrayed the evolution so well, regardless of their costumes and appearance, they did very well. I appreciated their props and costumes, especially their performances for they don't care whether they are wearing just towels and have ink tints on their faces, or even though they look so funny, they still performed their tasks so good, and they illustrated the evolution very well. And well, of course the effects and background musics are all appropriate for the AVP. What can we expect? Ha Ha! But, over all, they're great!!



Sunday, July 10, 2011

Traffic in Student's Life

                          Traffic? Well, as a student, that's quiet a problem for me. Of course, who wouldn't be late if there's a traffic, especially if your home is far from Lyceumwhich slightly, is not my problem, 'cause I just live in Paciano, and it's not that far from Lyceum—whew!but if I would encounter TRAFFIC along the way, well, I would end up praying for miracle!(Ha Ha!) 
                          Honestly, I don't know as to what advantages traffic offers. For all I know, is that it just causes delay, waste of time, contention, waste of gas, and trouble for all people, whether a student, employee, or even a child! And it's really not good to have around.  If only we, Filipinos, can somehow discipline ourselves or help prevent traffic, that would be a very big help! But, sad to say, even traffic enforcers cause traffic themselves!! How can we avoid it now?? Pray for miracle? That could be the last thing to do, but we still have a choice in order to prevent traffic. 

                          We may not be aware, but traffic is not just caused by cars, sometimes, we, pedestrians are the reason behind it. How? By merely crossing the road at the wrong lane, here at Calamba, we already have pedestrian lanes that you can cross if you need to. It's there, we just don't use  it wisely, for we seek for the "easy way", "no hassle", it could be time-saving for all of us, but safety can't be guaranteed for it. Yes, it's easy, easy to lose a life, better choose the hard, but safe way.

                          Being a Lycean, traffic is part of your life. Don't be surprised if it crossed your way. And for it's existence along the way, there are only 3 despicable reasons behind, (1) waiting Jeepneys for passengers; (2) car crashes; and (3) traffic enforcers! Keep that in mind, so that, you won't be troubled thinking of any stupid reasons as excuses for your tardiness, and to worry if you'll still make it to your class. 

                          Here's a bit of advice, don't want to be late? Then wake up early and be at Lyceum an hour-or-so ahead of your scheduled class! Well, what do we know, you might be caught on traffic, it's better to be sure than to be late and end up to have FDA on your class cards!:)


Monday, July 4, 2011

Graffiti Party at LPU-L


                        We had a marvelous GRAFFITI PARTY that was held last friday night, July 1, 2011 at LPL Gymnasium. And all I can say is.........IT'S A GREAT PARTY!!! I enjoyed it personally, and I know my fellow classmates and friends enjoyed it, too!! The "GRAFFITI" part was the best! I love the messages each of us had written, the band musics, the dances, other performances, and of course my brother's LCS!(bias huh?haha) It was all entertaining!! Of course "JOLLIBEE" contributed to the enjoyment, as well! By the way, the poster was GREAT also!:)


                       And of course I'm proud of our presentation! Ha ha! We highly prepared for it! And in order to portray our field of interests or rather the course that we've invested to, we come up with something that will be needing our talents or the skills that we have. So, TAADAA!!:))

MMA kami,


I'm so much grateful to celebrate the party with my new friends!

Imagine, for just a month or less, we're already 
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New Year??haha

                       I want SSC to know that, they did a great job!! 2 thumbs up! Even more!!:) And I'm looking forward to the upcoming celebrations here at LPU! And very excited for it!!!:) And I'm proud to be a CERTIFIED LYCEAN!!:))