Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thoughts on New Media.

                        Based on the previous discussions about new media, there's this particular topic or portion that caught my attention, it is the "Thoughts on New Media", wherein there stated thoughts of children or mostly children of what they think new media is all about, or how much is their knowledge about it, and you will see broad and simple answers that literally answer the question: "What do you think New Media is?" And that truly surprised me, because with even so little, their minds are already opened about new media, and it's not new to them anymore.

Here are some of the thoughts that caught my attention:
  • The process through which we receive our information is not only faster, but completely different and interactive.
  • Monique
  • Given media consumers an interactive relationship, allowing them to instantly access content anywhere, at any given time – Taylor
  • Those institutions and innovations that will continue to evolve and help us make some sense of what would otherwise be overwhelming – TC
  • I know it when I see it – William
  • better technology – Ryan 
                         If I were to ask about new media, according to my own understanding, I would say: New Media, basically gives us two things. It's either an advantage or disadvantage, and for me, it's both. Advantage to do things instantly, communicate with othersespecially loved oneseasily and do many things within reach, and that's a mere advantage for us. And disadvantage, for being so reliant or dependent to new media that we do not excel anymore when it comes to interacting with others personally, for instance, job interviews are all done personally, not electronically, so if we rely so much in new media, we will be left dumb to interact with others personally and we'll have a hard time to find a job, and that's not a good thing, but I think time will come that electronic interviews will come to pass and that frightens me.
                         We read from children, and they seem so knowledgeable about new media. And it rather  impress or scares me. Of course it impressed me, they're young and yet they know so much that even I just knew for not that long or just recently. I envy them in a way that they're experienced already but I pity them as well, for they didn't have a chance to experience difficulty or they don't work hard for things anymore nowadays, and if a person learned in a hard way, that made him an excellent one, and if not, he may be learned or skilled but cannot be called excellent.
                         However, we can't truly escape new media, in our generation, it's already a part of our daily lives and we just have to deal with it WISELY. We are now living in a world of technologies and we may never escape it but the only way to survive it is to use it wisely, do not abuse modern technology, it doesn't matter if we are good or not pertaining new media, but as long as we can live with it, be with it, it's okay, we shouldn't just focus on them we should also focus on our natural talents and skills, it may look old or primitive, but still, it's more appropriate and makes one truly excellent and skilled.


New Media.ppt from Ms. Anna Kagaoan's discussion
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