Mediocrity as Good
Excellence as Best.
moderate ability or value; ordinary—from Miriam-Webster Dictionary.
Nowadays, most young people, or teens themselves, choose to be mediocre people, or in other words, ordinary or moderate. Even some of the adults nowadays, prefer to perform tasks that limits their ability, or let's say, "low quality" products. They don't extend their ability to do things more than they can do, even if they can. Well, we, modern people, prefer the instants, the most fast and accessible way to do things, we thought, "Why make it complicated, if we can make it the faster and easier way and yet still bearable or good?" But not good enough. For me, that's mediocrity, limiting things just to satisfy yourself for something that you can still extend, or be good at. To be satisfied for the good-enough-things but not the excellent things.
Excellence, or Excellent, superior; very good of its kind; eminently good— Miriam-Webster Dictionary.
Being excellent in all things makes life easier, I think. Why? For if you do things with great effort and concrete attention, you won't have a hard time facing difficult challenges for you've prepared for it or in a way that you've already been through those experiences, that facing another one would just be a piece of cake for you. And that's an advantage. Because, like in a war, if you have your guns and bullets and protective gears, you'd be ready to face your opponent, but if you will participate in a war without those self-protector, you'll fail to perform your duties as a soldier, and even protect your own self from danger, and that's the least thing we all want to happen.
If you will see this sign as you pass down the road, you might think, "wait, which way should I go?" If you were Alice in the movie, Alice in Wonderland, you might immediately look for Cheshire Cat for an answer. But if you were to ask me, I will just explain to you the things I said above, and ask,
"Where do you want to go?and what way would you prefer to choose: good or best?" If you don't know where to go, you don't know what you like, and you just want to "go with the flow", then take the good way, and just settle for less. But if you want to attain a successful life with a successful career, then, only through the best way you shall obtain it.
Sometimes, we people, don't aim for the best things, good is enough. But only by best things we can attain best things, not just good things pretending to be best. For instance, oftentimes, we compare our works to others' but can't figure out how on Earth can they do such marvelous works and we cannot? The thing is, we can all do marvelous works, we just don't aim for it and do everything, not just what we can, but more than what we can do in order to accomplish a great work. If you put forth your focus and utmost attention to something you want to attain, you will and at the very best that you can be.
Don't limit ourselves(addressing to myself, as well) too much to the things that we can do. Let's focus on doing things more than what is required or ordinary.
Aim for the better prize not just for the consolation, be the best that we can all be and nothing can prevail against us from doing anything according to our will as long as it is of good intentions and for the benefit of everyone, not just us, alone.
Which way? For me,CHOOSE THE RIGHT!
the BEST!!!
and be THE BEST!! :)