Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog #3: From forbidden to unforbiden.

                       As we all know, during the Christian Art period, Christianity is strictly forbidden, illegal to be exact, but Christians didn't seem to mind it, in fact they built catacombs underground to support their religion, and that's one thing to admire for us, Christians. And the fact that the moment Christianity was legalized, they suddenly want the whole world to know by the use o f art. Well, who wouldn't do such thing after being hid for several years, right? I truly admire their devotion to their religion that it became the center of their lives and also the center of art.

                       Of course it's a good thing to center the Almighty in our lives but it doesn't necessarily have to mean that we shouldn't think of anything else. We should still have to balance things, unlike in Christian Art period, they focus only on religious things, I'm not saying it's bad, but how about the true art, the true feelings most people have?  They can't just leave them behind? Also, the interpretation of most of the events in Bible became the seed of contention, competition as to who can interpret it the best, and if we would talk about God, we shouldn't think like that, we should be in harmony with each other.

                     We should all be grateful that after years and years of waiting, Christianity was then legalized and we, the new generation, can no longer experience persecutions and all that. Christianity unites people, having one belief and faith. There is only one God, though there may be lots of religion but we worship and believe in just one and true God. Thanks to our ancestors that made it possible for Christianity to be legal and that we are now enjoying the freedom express our beliefs. Christianity can't be stopped, from forbidden to unforbiden.

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